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Legal Victory Secured for Young Adults in Pennsylvania Open Carry Case

25+ min ago — 

...., and the Civil Rights Defense Firm in Pennsylvania, the plaintiffs... ...Joining SAF in the case were the Firearms Policy Coalition and three... ...SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M.... ...Brooks Smith, another Bush appointee, while Judge L....

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Caldwell High Caliber AR500 Steel Targets Starting @$17.25 FREE S&H Orders $35+

4+ hour, 35+ min ago — 

...If you paid $90 to the USPS to ship it to China, then the Chinese... ...Amazon has Caldwell High Caliber AR500 Steel Targets Starting at...

favicon ammoland.com

Is NRA Poised to Approve Suppressors for High Power Rifle Competition?

3+ week, 5+ day ago — 

...Recently, both the NRA’s High Power Rifle Committee and the Competitions... ...Sigler is Chair of NRA’s F-Class High Power Rifle Committee....

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Experience for the Future: To Revive, Reform & Rebuild the NRA

4+ hour, 36+ min ago — 

...Navy’s Submarine Service, a lifelong Second Amendment activist, a... ...[John also writes for AmmoLand News] My passion is Second Amendment... ...SIGLER (Ret.), J.D., for the new NRA Board of Directors.... ...American Freedom is under attack and only the NRA can repulse that...

favicon bearingarms.com > camedwards

Poll Shows Georgia Residents Don't Want More Gun Laws

53+ min ago — 

...After the shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia last... ...shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia last fall, Democrat... ...that more gun laws would reduce mass shootings, while most Donald Trump... ...Not surprisingly, the vast majority of Kamala Harris voters said...

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The Problem with SKS Rifles All Over Canada

4+ hour, 56+ min ago — 

...The Soviet “Samozaryadny Karabin Sistemy Simonova,” (loosely translated... ...Additionally, Simonov had doubtless seen American Garand Rifles,... ...aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth... ...Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor....

favicon bearingarms.com

Donald Trump Is Ready to Fight. So Are We.

6+ hour, 23+ min ago — 

...However, President Trump’s triumphant return to the Oval Office is...

favicon bearingarms.com > tomknighton

Wisconsin Governor Creates Gun Violence Office in Wake of Madison Shooting

6+ hour, 56+ min ago — 

...of the shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison.... ...But Evers said the shooting at Abundant Life Christian School last... ...However, Evers has been itching to infringe on people's gun rights...

favicon thetruthaboutguns.com

Lone Wolf Introduces the Timberwolf 9mm Pistol

2+ hour, 25+ min ago — 

...[Lone Wolf Introduces the Timberwolf 9mm Pistol]Lone Wolf Arms has... ...reduction in peak force for smoother shooting.... ...Lone Wolf Arms has been making Glock compatible parts and their Timberwolf...

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Limited-Time Deal: IWI Tavor SAR 5.56 NATO Rifle – Only $1,099! Save $700.00 Today!

7+ hour, 51+ min ago — 

...Bereli has the IWI Tavor SAR 5.56 NATO Rifle marked down to $1009.99...


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